Cast Sterling Beaver Earrings

Photo of Walker-Goldsmiths-cast-Sterling-Beaver-Earrings-#602

Walker Goldsmiths Lost Wax Cast Sterling Beaver Earrings #602

Walker Goldsmiths lost wax cast Sterling Beaver Earrings are a very true example of Northwest Coast native design, similar to one you’d likely see on totem poles. It’s fitting that you’d see it on wood as it’s the essence of Beaver. Beaver food, Beaver building material; even their strong bodies with chiseling teeth are designed to deal with wood. The first house in the world was built by Beaver. Beaver is well known for its industriousness and building skills. It is a common inhabitant of the Northwest Coast region and often appears in Northwest Coast mythology. Beaver is a crest of the Eagle Clan. The story of the Beaver has always impressed me. A beautiful brown haired woman was so totally tired of abuse by her husband that she spent more and more time in a pool creating a refuge for her and her children out of wood that she foraged or cut down. She wore a leather apron that slapped on the water as she swam around looking for the best wood for her lodge. Her angry husband did not help things and she turned into the First Beaver with her leather apron becoming her tail. She was a woman of independence and determination to keep her and her children safe. Not that abuse is in your life, but is independent and determined your middle name?

Potlatch Collection ~ Sterling Silver Beaver Earrings ~ by Janet Walker
Hand-cast, Lost wax, design #602 is 5/8ths” long, and 1/4″ wide. Comes on Sterling Earring hooks.

Unit Price: 75.00
Shipping for US & CA: $5.00

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