Walker Goldsmiths lost wax cast Sterling Silver Octopus Ring #317 was designed by Janet Walker originally for a friend who loved to dive and hunt for these delicious creatures. This Octopus ring was so well accepted that we decided to make it available to all. This is a sweet ring as is the message in the legend. One time, long ago, Raven Woman took a canoe to go look for roots. After she was gone for a long time her people found the canoe floating between the islands. An Indian Doctor knew she had gone to live in an octopus village beneath the sea and was unable to return home. The Raven people believed this and it eased their sorrow. One day an Octopus baby was caught among the rocks as the tide was going out and found by some children who teased and tried to flip him on the beach. As the story goes on it turns out that the baby was the child of Octopus Woman come to see his grandparents. His torture caused unhappiness and hard feelings between the two villages and almost caused a sorrowful war that was averted by a wise chief. The lesson is taught to us about respecting all living creatures and is represented by Octopus. This is a very 3-D design; 15mm wide, 8mm high tapering to a 6mm wide squared shank. The underside is hollowed to create a comfortable and well balanced ring designed and created at Walker Goldsmiths. Hand cast, lost wax, Sterling Silver Design #317 Octopus Ring by Janet Walker. Hand-cast, Lost wax, design #317, 18mm wide face, tapering to 4mm wide base on the squared shank, carved ring face is 5mm high and slightly hollow for good balance.
Cast Sterling Octopus Ring
Unit Price: $175.00 Shipping for US & CA: $5.00 half sizes available To ship outside the US or Canada, or if you require more information about this item please contact us through the email form at right. We will notify you as soon as your order is shipped.