Walker Goldsmiths’ Custom Leafy Design Ring with diamond dew drops is done and definitely dewy and sparkly. We’ve made a few of this similar design, but specific to the desires of the customer. Some have been flat and wide, and some narrow, but this one is tapered and designed to snuggle the large diamond.
Karen is an expert genealogist and the history and lineage of this jewelry is important to her to preserve. The family gold and diamonds we used to recycle into this lovely wearable ring help keep alive the memories of this family. It is a living heirloom, a work of art, and love. “The big diamond was my grandmother’s stone, passed on to her daughter, my mom. The others were from a stick pin engagement gift from grandmother to grandfather, some of the small diamonds came from my mother’s rings from two marriages.” Styles change, times change, people change, (When did you last see a man wearing a stick pin?) but the emotions invested in families remain, and in our view are eternal. Jewelry can be like a touchstone to our memories and the emotion they contain, this is why we enjoy these kinds of projects so much, not only do we get to hear interesting family history, but we also get to partake just a little in the emotions that are contained in them. It is a joy to transform old things into new.
Owen and I have known Karen and cherished her friendship for many years and often gone to her home to find her in the garden! So this natural custom leafy design ring with diamond dew drops theme creating a dewy, sparkly effect is so right. Owen alloyed all the 10kt gold up to 14kt, adding it to her 14kt, casting the ring with this gold. Then we replaced a couple of badly chipped diamonds; we were able to use her previous crown for the large stone. Now the ring has a fresh start and a new life. We really enjoy creating new family heirlooms from recycled jewelry! Thank you, Karen. See the wax carving and more story here on a previous post;
I just wanted to tell Janet and Owen how much I LOVE MY RING! I have had such wonderful compliments on it, and have had the chance to show and tell the genealogy story of the stones! The calla bloom and the leaves are so much a part of my gardening passion! Thank you so much for your loving work and talent and attention to detail!
You’re welcome, Karen! It was such a fun ring to make for you, having known your mother for many years. Wear it and enjoy!