It’s about time that I posted about Genevieve and Forrest’s Custom Wedding Rings. They were unique and a special experience for us all. Forrest is our dear neighbor and when he decided that Genevieve was “The One” he came to us, Walker Goldsmiths, to begin the process of getting her a lovely ring to signify their love and plans for marriage.
Now, Forrest is a determined fellow and always seeks the best bargain and quality. When Forrest wants to do something he always researches intensely and then makes a firm decision. He owned a beautiful diamond ring that he had previously purchased and wanted Owen’s opinion of it. Owen spent quite a lot of fun time talking to him about diamonds and metal; what to look for, how to recognize quality, what’s the difference between metals and how they wear, what’s the real difference between white and yellow gold, what does karat and carat relate to, and what the 5 C’s in relation to diamonds mean. Check this out for more information.
All the while we’re asking him who is this new girlfriend! We’ve learned over the years that’s it’s always safest to involve the fiance’ in the Wedding Ring choices, after all, she’s going to wear the ring and it needs to be just her style. So Forrest brought her to meet us and we heartily approved! Genevieve is a lovely artist who has really firm ideas about “her style” and together they went window shopping, looking at designs and figuring out just what was going to be right for them. Genevieve liked the diamond Engagement Ring that Forrest had for her and decided that she also wanted a Wedding Band to fit along side the other ring. So Genevieve and Walker Goldsmiths designed a custom band to fit snug up next to the ring provided by Forrest; we carved a wax of the desired ring, cast it in 14kt white gold, and set a diamond in the new ring. Together the rings make a very lovely Customized Wedding Ring set, just as together Forrest and Genevieve work well together and make a wonderful couple.
Looking for information on your sets.
Thank you, We’d love to help you out with price quotes. Just let us know which ring you’re interested in.
Yes. It is Swirls and Dew Drops. Custom wedding band. We fell in love with Hannah’s grandmothers engagement ring as well.