This Large Eagle Bracelet, hand carved by Owen Walker, is a good representation of one of the two principle clans of the North West Coast peoples. Just as elsewhere in the world, eagles are respected for their strength and acrobatic flying abilities. There are many many eagle stories most of which involve villages or individuals being saved from certain destruction by benevolent and courageous eagles. The greatest mark of respect and welcome is to lightly shower your guests with eagle down while seating them at your feast. And you must serve a feast at your Potlatch because your guests would be insulted if you let them leave hungry.
This is one of the oldest designs in my book, I have forgotten for whom I created this eagle or why, but it has taken its’ place as design #1, and remains one of my favorites. I’m not sure why the bracelet that is in the photos has no cross hatching, I think it looks better cross hatched.
Hand-carved Sterling Silver Eagle Bracelet by Owen Walker
1.25 inch width Price: $550
D 0001
price: $550.00