Ravens, Wolves and Bear Rings, Oh my!!


Sterling Totem style wedding rings

Ravenbear Wedding Rings

This was a fun and tricky set of wedding rings that we’ve just shipped to some folks getting married.  Carved in wax by me, Janet Walker, and cast in Sterling Silver by Owen Walker in our Walker Goldsmiths Studio. These rings are a combination of Totem Symbols in Sterling Silver. One is a Raven and Bear and the other is a Wolf and Bear.  It’s always interesting to us to see what people choose to be their totems of choice and power.

They obviously love the “wild” element in some of our totem style rings.  Our original Totem Symbol rings illustrate a traditional character in Northwest Indian myth and legend.  These rings are part of our Potlatch Collection. The traditional Potlatch Celebration is a special event with gifts given, see Owen’s blog post; http://walkergoldsmiths.com/blog/the-potlatch/.  We believe that jewelry is a perfect way to celebrate a special event worthy of commemoration. Not only does it create a point of memory of the occasion but accents the special feeling around it and even creates a kind of “glue” for a functional relationship. We’re very proud and excited to be a small part of that. Congratulations to Tanya and Ed!

We learn lots of things from our customers and this is what Tanya sent to us…we love it!

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

“Heaven is a place where, when you get there, all the dogs you ever loved come running out to greet you!”

About Janet Walker

7 Responses to “Ravens, Wolves and Bear Rings, Oh my!!”

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  1. Ed and Tanya says:

    I can not tell you how much we love these rings, they are exactly what we wanted and you gave that to us..
    Thank you so much for you time and skill in making these..

    • Janet Walker says:

      You’re very welcome, Ed & Tanya! It was very fun. And a good challenge especially to create the wolf / Bear ring. In fact I hope to get to do more of this kind of specifically detailed designing. Thanks for responding! I always get nervous about my “babies” and really want you to be satisfied!

      • Edward Nash says:

        Janet this is Ed of the Ed and Tanya.. We have loved the rings you made us.. but I unfortunately lost my ravebear ring. I had arm surgery and my hand shrank and so did my fingers and it sled off sometime while hiking.. So needless to say my ring size has changed. we live pretty far from any civilization. So what is the easiest most accurate way we can get my ring size so I can order another one? Could you drop me an email with that info? I will leave it below.. I spent a month going over the area where I lost it hoping it would turn up. I ahve felt naked without it.. Somebody will find it 100 years from now and I hope the enjoy it as much as I have. I look forward to the new one.

  2. Edward Nash says:

    I’d like to order another rave bear ring please.. in 9 1/2.. My wife placed the order last time so I am not sure how to go about it.. Shoot me an email with the detail please..

  3. Edward Nash says:

    Roger that.. I wished you lived on my side of the world I’d love to see your other work in person.. Thank you..

  4. Edward Nash says:

    Money sent. Contact me with any questions.. This is for the raven/bear ring.

    [email protected]

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