Newsletter, March 2013, Hang Ten with Walker Goldsmiths Custom Designed Surfer Rings


Photo of Walker Goldsmiths Surfer Rings with a Star Sappire

Walker Goldsmiths Surfer Rings with Star Sapphire

We’ve been talking to many people here at Walker Goldsmiths about custom designed Surfer Rings. They are usually folks who love the outdoors, the seaside and especially riding the waves, one way or another. The marvelous appeal of the outdoors to them and their families is a big part of their personal idea of a wonderful time.  Getting away from the everyday grind and chillin’ at the beach!

Our daughter and family love to go Surfin’.  They and their friends pile in the kids, dogs, the big bag of groceries, the surfboards, boogie boards and the wetsuits all in their campers and head for whatever beach has the best adventure potential.  It’s good family fun to get away for a 4 day break in the fresh outdoors.  They don’t even care if it’s raining!  They are dedicated “Surfers” that return home, exhausted and grinning, smelling of beach fires and neoprene!

Photo pf Walker Goldsmiths Surfer Ring with Sunstone, waves and mountains

Walker Goldsmiths Surfer Ring with waves, beach, mountains and Sunstone

Walker Goldsmiths has made custom Surfer Rings with stones in yellow, white gold and sterling silver.  The custom Surfer rings we’ve made all have the carvings of waves, beaches, and some with mountains, sunsets or moons.  Some custom rings have stones and some don’t.  It’s whatever appeals to the wearer and/or the pocketbook.  We’ve often talked about custom rings being a fun way to go… maybe this is for you…

Do you have metals and stones that you want to sell or trade to facilitate getting a custom designed Surfer Ring with “Your Story” carved on it from Walker Goldsmiths?  We can make it doable!

Photo of Walker Goldsmiths Surfer Rings with Salmon, waves and wild roses

Walker Goldsmiths Surfer Rings with Salmon, waves and wild roses

Photo of Walker Goldsmiths Polynesian Style Surfer Rings with dark blue Sapphire

Walker Goldsmiths Polynesian Style Surfer Rings

Please e-mail us for pricing and questions.

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    About Janet Walker

    5 Responses to “Newsletter, March 2013, Hang Ten with Walker Goldsmiths Custom Designed Surfer Rings”

    Read below or add a comment...

    1. Sarah bird says:

      Hi I would like to enquire about the star sapphire surf ring . How much is it ? Can alter the design ?
      Sarah bird

      • Janet Walker says:

        Hi Sarah, Yes, you can definitely alter the design! That’s the fun part of “Story Rings”. They’re personal to you. We talk and figure out just what YOU want and then I carve it in wax and cast it up for you. The price is determined by what metal and how big the stone, etc. So in order to answer your question about price I need some more info about what you want. P.S. We’re pretty reasonable!:) email me and let’s talk…

    2. Deborah Stenvall says:

      Looking to buy one of the surfer rings with the salmon on it. Can I order from your website?

      • Janet Walker says:

        Hi Deborah!
        ABSOLUTELY!! Here’s what you do;
        -find/figure out your ring size
        -did you want it in silver? if so the price is $225, Shipping free if you’re in the USA
        -Go to PayPal and register $225 to the account [email protected].
        -give us a ship-to address.
        -we can have it to you before Christmas! email me if you’re not in the USA and we can figure it out!
        [email protected]

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